Thursday, January 25, 2018

In One Minute or Less

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word- Simplicity.

Most likely you get an image of something that's uncluttered, doesn’t require much effort to understand and retain.
Martin H Fischer once said-
"Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification."

Simplicity is more a need of hour now than it was ever before in the history of mankind. We as human beings are biased towards complexity for some reason. We tend to find "complex" more credible than "simple". 

In our worlds dominated by technology and always alluring screens, we gulp content from all the sources at a pace that is never-ever experienced by generations before us.

We are at a dire need to uncomplexify our lives more than ever. And to do my bit towards this, i intend to stand this short blog series called as "In One Minute or Less".

My mission with "In One Minute or Less" series is to present seemingly complex topics while embracing simplicity. Human beings can read close to 250 words per minute on an average and my intent is to keep the content i produce just within that range.

Been always inspired with this immortal quote from Leonardo da Vinci:
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." 

And to achieve that sophistication is my mission with this series. 

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